Update on Durgapuri

This week's research was based on community space.

I talked to about ten people on  the issues of community space. Most of the people are satisfied for space they said that there is many place to spend our time like there is temples, parks, restaurant, party hall etc. and so they don’t have any problem regarding community space.

But they specifically said that even though there are parks, the number of parks for that area is not appropriate for kids. Therefore the kids are playing in the street, footpath and in the alleys but it not safe for kids; hence parents do not allow them to play outside.

There were other problems brought to our light. One person said that the ward number of Durgapuri is 245 and the main Durgapuri chowk has a traffic light, but the traffic light create the problem, as the red light has a duration of 170 seconds or 2.5 mints approximately and green light has a duration of only 40 seconds. Thus, there is an imbalance due to which vehicles are using the narrow alleys, making it unsafe for children to play there, and trapping people into their homes as well.


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