A Survey of Durgapuri

This week I did a survey in my selected area of Durgapuri, and I got to know more about the problems of the people living there. The questions that I used in my survey were as follows:
  • Would you like to change your locality? Yes then why?
  • What is the major problems in your area?
  • You think so that our area is having breathing problem?
The answers I got broadly were interesting to note. Most people said they wanted to see changes in the area. They identified the lack of space for kids, no proper footpath etc. as basic needs; unfortunately they have not been fulfilled yet.

In my point of view there is a visibly clear problem of spacing. All of us know that Delhi is a metropolitan city, and there is huge of population, especially in areas like Durgapuri in Delhi, thus leading to a spacing problem. The people also identified a pollution problem by saying that the air in the city in general and the area as well was not good quality, making breathability a concern. They identified the fact that Delhi has been struggling to clean up its air that contains a toxic cocktail of dust smoke and gases from vehicle and factory exhausts.

After completing my survey many of my perceptions changed about my area because I surveyed with them and it made me much more knowledgeable as compared to before. Also it gave me new direction and understanding about my area.


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