Interacting With the Young People of Durgapuri

I took some time out to interact with the local area's youth in Durgapuri. This time, I saw new issues from the other side. The common theme I heard was that these young people study to get a job, make money and to land a great post; however, the problem was the lack of a good institute to help them brush up my communication skills and gain command of English.

My point of view that soft skills are a key to success. But unfortunately we don’t know and what we have to do in our career, as there is no one to guide us.

The questions and the usual response I heard were as follows:

Q: What is your purpose of your life?

A: The purpose of my life is to be happy, successful and help others. But first of all I have to be successful then I will help others.

Q: Would you like to tell me about your mental strength?

A: I don’t know about my mental strength but yes I struggled the problem of depression just because of my career and it still continue. But I have strong urge to do something for society.

Some people also told me that they are facing the problem of dog menace and mosquito menace. I think the result of this week were unexpected and disappointing.


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